Recently in Web Category

I recently started using to back up my blog. Mover is a relatively new service which can migrate or back up between several different cloud services. I'm starting to use it as part of my backup strategy, making sure even files I have "in the cloud" are located in more that one service. To demonstrate the steps, here's a short screencast in which I add a regular backup task from part of my blog to the Box cloud service, (Read More)

New Flickr Web Embeds

Testing out the new Flickr web embeds... (Read More)

Tech Advent Calendars - 2013

It's that time of the year again - Advent calendars for many tech communities. As in past years, I've gathered a few here that should be interesting... (Read More)
When doing web development on the desktop, you have the benefit of inspection and debugging tools available in modern browsers like Chrome, Firefox, Safari and Internet Explorer. Inspecting web traffic for page requests and API calls is relatively straightforward. Once you move over to mobile development, you miss a lot of those built-in tools. Luckily there are some good desktop network proxy tools which can make mobile traffic inspection possible again. In this post I'll walk through setting up an Android 4.x device with Fiddler running on a Windows PC. (Read More)

Find Largest Files in Dropbox

File hosting services like Dropbox, SkyDrive, Google Drive, and Box all have very generous free storage levels (2 GB and up). Even so, it’s easy to quickly reach the free limit, especially as you start backing up photos, movies, and other large files. If you’re getting close to your service’s free limit, here’s a solution for quickly finding the largest... (Read More)
For the past 10+ years I have hosted this website and my other side projects through pair Networks. I’m also managing all of my domain names through the sister company pairNIC. As of today (2 more domains registered!) I have 17 domain names, 7 of which have live websites. The rest are on my “todo” project list. I’ve been very... (Read More)
Some email clients like Thunderbird will sometimes show a scam warning message on emails which appear to be normal and not suspicious. The Thunderbird warning is two-part: first an inline message “This message may be a scam, and second a modal dialog which appears when you click on any link in the email. Combined this could be worrisome for users... (Read More)

Google Zeitgeist 2012

What did the world search for in 2012? The data from Google is kind of interesting, but the video is very cool. (Read More)

Tech Advent Calendars

As in year's past, several tech communities are running Advent calendars during the month of December. Read on for links to Perf Planet, 24ways, Perl and Web advents, including an RSS feed that combines articles from all of them. (Read More)

Movable Type 5.2 on Mac OS X

It's been a while since my notes about local development copies of Movable Type and WordPress on XAMPP - a local LAMP stack that runs on Windows. I'm still using both blogging platforms and wanted to update the steps now that I'm doing most of my work on a Mac laptop. The steps aren't too difficult, but there are lots of details to get right. Read on to see a detailed walk through for the installation of a local copy of Movable Type 5.2 on Mac OS X. (Read More)


This is the personal website of Brian Cantoni. All opinions on this site are my own. Reach me by email: brian at


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