Podcast Update and Return of Feed Readers

What podcasts am I listening to these days? (Hypothetical question; no one actually ever asks me that…) Similar to what I’ve done in the past years, here’s a quick update. First of all I’m still using the Downcast podcast player and really like it. There are a few new non-Apple podcast players getting a lot of buzz, but I haven’t had a reason to switch yet. Here’s my current podcast subscription list. It’s still mostly technical podcasts but I’ve picked up a few maker and woodworking shows in there as well: .NET Rocks! [rss] Bootstrapped Web | For Entrepreneurs Bootstrapping…

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Tweetfave Support for Longer Tweets

Tonight I spent a couple hours troubleshooting a problem with my Tweetfave service and handling of links. Luckily I discovered it was a simple matter of keeping up with Twitter’s API changes. This service has been running so smoothly and the API has actually been pretty stable. I needed to dust off my PHP skills and dig in to track down and adapt to an important change. Background Tweetfave is a free service which monitors the tweets you mark as favorites (now referred to as “likes”), then sends them to you by email. Currently the system stats show over 250…

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Posted in: Web

Mac Command-Line Notification Tools

Here’s a collection of useful command-line notification tools for Mac developers. I’ve been using these for long-running build jobs or other tasks which I’m waiting for. The three methods I describe here are voice audio, system notifications, and SMS text messaging. Voice Audio Voice audio is built into Mac OSX and available from the command line with the say utility. To learn the various options, refer to the say man page (or locally just man say). In the simplest case, just give it a text string to read aloud: $ say “hello” Run this at the end of a build…

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Tech Advent Calendars – 2016

It’s that time of the year again and I’m happy to see Advent calendars for many tech communities are still going strong. As in past years (2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, and for some reason skipped 2015), I’ve gathered a few here that I’ll be following this year: 24 ways (web design & development) – Feed awsadvent (Amazon Web Services) – Feed JVM Advent (Java language and JVM) – Feed Perf Planet (performance) – Feed Perl Advent Calendar 2016 (Perl language) – Feed sysadvent (System admin topics) – Feed UXmas (UX for everyone) – no RSS feed In years past I…

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Posted in: Web