Someone wrote in to let me know that an older project of mine which provides a simple webservice echo test was referencing some out of date projects. My HTTP test service doesn’t use any of those other services, but I’ve updated the blog post description to point to some new options for comparison purposes. The original hosted version of RequestBin (at is no longer live. This was run by Runscope at the time and the source code is still up on GitHub (Runscope/requestbin). You can see their the status change: We have discontinued the publicly hosted version of RequestBin…
Markdown is a great plain text format for a lot of applications and is often used to convert to HTML (for example on my WordPress blog here). There are also some good use cases for the opposite: converting from HTML into Markdown. I recently had such a case to convert some older blog posts from raw HTML into Markdown found that Pandoc made it really easy. What’s Pandoc Pandoc is an open-source utility for converting between a number of common (and rare) document types, for example plain text, HTML, Markdown, MS Word, LaTeX, wiki, and so on. The output formats…
I like to periodically drop my podcast subscription list here for anyone interested, and so I can look back and see how my interests have changed :) (Search here for some previous updates.) Lately I’m mostly listening to software or startup podcasts, but have started following a lot of woodworking ones as well as I try to find time for my woodworking hobby! Tech / Software Hanselminutes – Fresh Talk and Tech for Developers [rss] The Changelog [rss] .NET Rocks! [rss] Build Your SaaS – running a startup in 2019 [rss] The Ars Technicast [rss] Startups / Business DataSnax Podcast…
Online meetings continue to rise in popularity, in particular for companies with remote workers or distributed teams. The effectiveness of online meetings can be improved significantly by following a few simple techniques and habits. First of all, what kind and size of meetings are we talking about? One-on-one (2 people) Smaller team meetings (2-10 people) Medium team meetings, internal training or demo (10-20) Larger team meetings, company “all hands” (20+) Public facing webinar (marketing, sales, training) This guide is targeting categories 3 & 4 – these meetings are big enough that you want to run them effectively but are still…
LinkChecker is a utility written in Python for scanning and checking web page links, usually used for finding invalid or outdated pointers which need to be updated. The LinkChecker project is in a bit of flux right now because the original project (GitHub wummel/linkchecker) has gone completely quiet and presumably the original author is no longer interested in maintaining it. Luckily there is a new group of volunteers rallying around a new fork (GitHub linkcheck/linkchecker) The project has a variety of packaged downloads, but they are not all updated yet from the newest source tree. On my Mac system I…