WordPress Powered by GitHub and Docker

About 5 years ago I migrated this blog to WordPress. Overall, it’s been working well but my manual method for keeping WordPress (and plugins/themes) updated has been less than ideal. I just implemented a new system with GitHub and Docker that will hopefully make that upgrade path smoother, help me keep things updated, and avoid security issues from out of date code.

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Over 1 Million Tweets Delivered by Tweetfave

My Tweetfave side project has just passed a major milestone – over 1 million Tweets delivered! Tweetfave is a simple service which sends emails with all tweets you’ve marked as favorites (or in today’s terminology “liked”). I launched this publicly over 6 years ago in May 2013 and it’s been running along quietly since then. The chart below shows the cumulative total number of tweets delivered through the service. At the end of August 2019 we just passed the 1 million mark (on pace for about 1.1 million by the end of the year): It’s kind of impressive the amount…

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How to Tidy Up Your Digital Life

The title here refers to the popular Marie Kondo books and Netflix series all based on the concept of “tidying up”: Our goal is to help more people tidy their spaces by choosing joy, and we are committed to developing the simplest and most effective tools to help you get there. Even without reading the books, at my house we’ve been taking this approach and discarding, recycling or donating clothes, books, and other household goods. Getting to a clean organized drawer or closet is a great reward and we’re using that to keep us motivated as we work our way…

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How to Use GitHub Pages for Parked Domains

Updated 2024-07-07 For domain names I’ve reserved but haven’t done anything with yet, I like to have them parked with my own simple landing page rather than one of those ad-filled “parked domain” pages hosted by the registrar. Previously I had set mine up on a Digital Ocean VM. This wasn’t too difficult (and had a side benefit of forcing me to brush up on my Apache HTTP Server skills) but I’ve switched to a much easier method: hosting for free via GitHub Pages. This is not only free in terms of cost, but also time because it’s very simple…

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How to Fix Dell Monitors With Mac Laptops

The Problem I’m lucky to have a work-provided MacBook Pro as my primary system along with a pretty nice Dell UltraSharp 30-in monitor at the office. One of the things I’ve always struggled with in this combination is really poor resolution when the Dell is connected. This problem with Dell monitors isn’t quite the “fuzzy font” problem you’ll see if you search around (that’s mostly referring to font smoothing or anti-aliasing adjustments which macOS can apply). Instead it’s more like the screen is running at a much lower than native resolution. This weekend I finally upgraded my system to macOS…

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