This blog has recently been hit by a barrage of spam comments linking to “adult videos” pages on Google Notebook. If you click through onto the site, you’ll get to a page that appears to be an adult video site, but clicking on anything drops you into an install process for an “ActiveX control” which in fact is a virus or trojan. This must be a new wave because Akismet hasn’t been catching most of them. I finally put in an additional spam filter that junks any comment with “” in it.
Free real-time quotes have returned to Yahoo! Finance this week. Read more about it on the Yodel Anecdotal blog announcement. Yahoo!’s stock has been pretty flat since the Microsoft buy-out offer, but for stocks that move a lot during day trading, this should be pretty cool.
Helmet Originally uploaded by brianc. This year we’re really on a roll. To start the Nascar season off right, we made it to the 50th running of the Daytona 500. Two weeks ago we followed that up by heading into the heart of Nascar in Alabama: Talladega Super Speedway.
The Discovery Channel has been running new commercials that preview upcoming new seasons for several of their shows. As in the past, the commercials are well-made and (for me at least) can get you really jazzed up for many of their shows. They’ve obviously got a great advertising team and I wish they’d post these commercials on their own site (where you can now get full video of most of their shows). Instead, we need to hunt around to dig up copies like this one: [ View this video on YouTube. ] The montage commercials they showed last year were…
It might be the stress of several late nights sorting out the taxes, but this email tonight from the TurboTax filing center made me laugh: I feel like a winner: “Congratulations!” it says. Now all I have to do is pay my taxes! I guess at some level I should feel good that the IRS has accepted my creation. The cute icons are a nice touch but don’t go far enough. I’d use the Windows animated file copy dialog as a guide and show dollar signs floating from you to the IRS.