Having switched phones recently from an aging Treo 650 to a BlackBerry 8830, I once again put myself in the mess of transferring my calendar and contacts from one device to the other.
Today is the last day the Yahoo! 360° service will be online; last chance to download or migrate old blog content over to the new Yahoo! Profiles service.
My Cantoni.mobi mobile website resource site has been cruising along with a growing user base and a steady stream of suggested new sites. I wanted to stick with the original one-page design as long as possible, but finally I realized the page size was just too large. With over 300 links, the page weighed in at almost 22KB. Worse, I found it increasingly difficult to navigate within the page because the links list was just too long. Tonight I’m releasing a big update to the site: we now have a “home” or index page at Cantoni.mobi. The home page has…
Watching the Great American Race yesterday, I couldn’t help but notice that Ask.com has tuned into NASCAR in a big way. Sure enough, it turns out that Ask.com has signed a big deal with NASCAR: Ask.com, a leading search engine and an operating business of IAC, announced Wednesday it has entered into partnerships with NASCAR, NASCAR.COM and Hall of Fame Racing. Under the terms of the partnership with NASCAR, Ask becomes the Official Search Engine of NASCAR, with category exclusivity and a broad set of promotional rights in order to reach the sport’s estimated 75 million loyal fans. In addition…