Taking a closer look at some traffic numbers today for this site, I noticed a revealing pattern for one of my popular posts regarding BlackBerry simulators: the traffic on Saturdays and Sundays is quite low. Does that mean it’s mostly enterprise or commercial software developers working on BlackBerry? No hackers working on the weekend?
Recently we’ve been trying the Pomodoro technique to help concentrate on focused projects without distraction. With the aid of a simple kitchen timer, it’s actually working pretty well for the kids’ homework. We first learned about this from my friend and startup adviser Greg Head in this great 5-minute video from an event in Phoenix.
Just ready a story relating to Yahoo on All Things Digital today and noticed they do a really nice job of explaining their use of tracking cookies. I’m impressed with the visual treatment and the fact that they’re very upfront with this information. Of course you’ll only see this message once (or whenever you clear all your browser cookies), but it’s a big improvement over most sites.
Fiddler is an extremely useful tool for debugging any web traffic on Windows environments. While originally designed for use with Internet Explorer, it’s very easy to use Fiddler along with any web browser on a Windows system.
The changing landscape in mobile device and browser market share has been a hot topic in the news lately. Looking at recent visitor stats for Cantoni.mobi (my mobile website links collection), I noticed some interesting trends in mobile browser share.