Normally I rely on the mobile edition of Yahoo Sports but recently realized they are completely missing any coverage of NCAA Women’s Basketball, specifically the Final Four tournament now in progress.
Fortunately, ESPN mobile is giving the women equal billing with a dedicated section just for the NCAA Women’s Tournament.
After buying something from the online NFL store this Christmas, I quick received a barrage of spam from Fortunately those messages subsided once I “unsubscribed”. I guess they still felt it important to send me this email titled “Thanks and a Look Ahead” from Roger Goodell, the NFL Commissioner. Too bad the NFL players don’t have a similar platform to communicate their side of the story… With one of the most exciting regular seasons now completed and the playoffs about to begin, let me first thank you and all NFL fans for your incredible support. Many fans have been…
I’ve been a big fan of the Pragmatic Bookshelf series, in particular their monthly online magazine. The magazine are downloadable in PDF, .mobi, and .epub formats, and browsable online in HTML format. Browsing through the latest couple of issues, I noticed a distinct slowness as some of the images were downloaded. This is usually a hint that a high resolution image is being referenced, but being “cropped” down to a smaller size with the height/width attributes in the HTML. For example, see this story about Ruby Bundler and look at the red ribbon image. The source image is 693×693 but…
My father-in-law always liked to stay informed by “reading what the other side is thinking”. In order to do that for sports, you have to go local. Here is what the local papers in San Francisco and Texas are saying this morning: Freakin’ amazing! Giants win first World Series in 56 years! (San Francisco Chronicle) Rangers de-clawed, antler-less when it mattered most (Dallas Morning News)
After my team launched a new site design and blog system for the [Yahoo! Developer Network][ydn], I decided to review the performance of this site to see where it could be improved. In summary, after removing one performance-hogging widget (Lijit search widget) and following recommendations from YSlow and Page Speed, the site should be running much faster now.