Domain Names and Web Hosting by Pair Networks

For the past 10+ years I have hosted this website and my other side projects through pair Networks. I’m also managing all of my domain names through the sister company pairNIC. As of today (2 more domains registered!) I have 17 domain names, 7 of which have live websites. The rest are on my “todo” project list. I’ve been very happy with pair, both on price and support. If you have a need for either web hosting or domain name registration, you should consider pair. If you use these links I’ll get a small referral which helps pay the bills.…

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Posted in: Web

Export Twitter Friends Script

As part of my Tweetfave project, I wanted to get a better sense of the people I’m following and whether they use the Twitter “favorites” feature. By using the Twitter API, I’m able to first fetch my list of friends (i.e. people I am following), then get the detailed stats for each one. The result is a CSV file which can imported into Excel or other spreadsheet program: Twitter friend data loaded in Excel This script is written in PHP and uses the Twitter OAuth PHP library. It uses the Twitter API methods friends/ids and users/lookup. Because the user lookup…

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Preventing Scam or Fraud Warnings for Email Newsletters

Some email clients like Thunderbird will sometimes show a scam warning message on emails which appear to be normal and not suspicious. The Thunderbird warning is two-part: first an inline message “This message may be a scam, and second a modal dialog which appears when you click on any link in the email. Combined this could be worrisome for users who aren’t sure what the warning means. I’ve been seeing this more frequently lately with email newsletters. The most common cause is link tracking added by the newsletter delivery vendor (MailChimp, Tinyletter, etc.). The scam warning will come up whenever…

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Converting HTML to Text or Markdown

I’m working on a documentation project where I might need to convert some existing HTML pages back into text or Markdown format for the new system. Rather than manually editing the HTML source, I’m testing with a couple different ways to script it automatically. In this blog post, I’m using a documentation page for our GoToMeeting API method and testing the Lynx text browser and Pandoc document conversion utility.

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