Downcast is an excellent podcast app for iPhones, much better than the Apple Podcast app. Read more for a quick summary of my favorite features, and my #1 suggestion: emailing show notes after listening to each podcast episode.
I’m working on a documentation project where I might need to convert some existing HTML pages back into text or Markdown format for the new system. Rather than manually editing the HTML source, I’m testing with a couple different ways to script it automatically. In this blog post, I’m using a documentation page for our GoToMeeting API method and testing the Lynx text browser and Pandoc document conversion utility.
What did the world search for in 2012? The data from Google is kind of interesting, but the video is very cool.
As in year’s past, several tech communities are running Advent calendars during the month of December. Read on for links to Perf Planet, 24ways, Perl and Web advents, including an RSS feed that combines articles from all of them.
It’s been a while since my notes about local development copies of Movable Type and WordPress on XAMPP – a local LAMP stack that runs on Windows. I’m still using both blogging platforms and wanted to update the steps now that I’m doing most of my work on a Mac laptop. The steps aren’t too difficult, but there are lots of details to get right. Read on to see a detailed walk through for the installation of a local copy of Movable Type 5.2 on Mac OS X.