NSDQ I just read an amazing book: Black Hawk Down: A Story of Modern War. I knew of the book and in fact my wife was reading it. Seeing the movie twice in the theater finally convinced me to sit down and read the book to catch all the details. Surprisingly, the movie was a very accurate portrayal of the events and matched the book quite well. (I believe that a couple of characters were composites, but the rest were based on the actual men involved.) Some critics of the movie complained that it didn’t show the human side of…
I try to make it a point to update my resume on a regular basis. I’m not currently looking for work, but if I could just update it as I go along, it seems like it would be easier. But….updating a resume is really a pain. This time I tried something different by treating it more like a conversation, starting with the old stuff (school, first job, etc.) and end with what I’m doing now. If someone wants the gory details with all the right buzzwords, the full resume will need to be updated. In the meantime, if someone just wants to know what I do (and what I’ve done), this form should be perfect.
Microsoft publishes some handy tools for web developers in the form of add-ins for Internet Explorer. In addition to viewing and validating XML content, there are some cool power tools including one that lets you “view partial source” when selecting part of a web page.
From my last redesign, the main page of the site was simply a list of each article. Tonight I made a better distinction between “news” items and “articles”. News items are based on the current date and can contain anything from a short concept, a link to something interesting, or an introduction to a longer article on this site. It’s kind of based on the weblog concept, although I doubt I will be writing often enough for it to be considered a true weblog. Articles are the longer stories and ideas. The Articles use keywords as categories such as “Palm”,…
With the basic site up and running for almost a couple of days (wow!), I decided to test the theory of being able to change just the templates for an entirely new look. I also changed the site design a little bit, so it turned into changes to the article content as well. Future redesigns should be able to just change the templates for a whole new look.