There are a lot of choices for archiving the blog entries. By default it is capturing individual entries as well as by month. I’ve just turned on “archive daily”, so we’ll see how well that works. It’s also nice to see that the default RSS template creates a syndication feed that validates. Update 12/12: Now creating a valid RSS 2.0 feed.
I’ve finally decided to give MovableType a try to see how it compares to CityDesk.
Okay, I managed to update the style to the ‘Rusty’ style from the website. At least the layout is close to what I’m looking for, but I’ll probably change the colors and possibly fonts a little bit. This layout looks strange with only a couple of short entries. The right-hand pane wraps all the way to the left at this point. I suppose with a few more entries it will look okay.
First post from Movable Type which has just been installed as a potential replacement for CityDesk.
AmphetaDesk v0.93.1 was recently released, so I need to go through an update the enhancements (‘hacks’) that I created. Tonight I updated FTPstore accordingly and added a couple of other improvements. I still need to update the template and AmphetaMailer.