Two Good Resources

Two good networking resources I've been meaning to point to, both from Robert Graham: FAQ: Firewall Forensics Sniffing FAQ Both are good, detailed explanations about all kinds of network traffic, including good links pointing elsewhere for more information.

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I wonder if the domain is going to be very popular. A recent story on (Safety Patrol Readied for Dot-Kids) summarizes how the two companies involved are going to patrol web sites in this domain for appropriate contents. As the father of three young kids, I’m of course concerned that my kids only see appropriate material, but I’m not ready to trust one of these companies to control what we can or cannot see. The story has some choice quotes…

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Posted in: Web

Printing to PDF

Who needs Adobe Acrobat? Kjartan Mannes points out that Adobe is making it difficult for companies who simply need to print to PDF format. Buying the $299 “Standard” edition is quite pricey when you have a bunch of employees whose main need is to simply print to PDF for distribution. I run into this a lot for things like MS Project which most people don’t have installed (and who don’t need it). PDF is great for this sort of thing. Kjartan points to Win2PDF which looks like a reasonable alternative, only $35 for the basic version. It also has a…

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Anders Jacobsen’s blog: ISO 8601: The standard date format is a good read for anyone wanted a good background on why this format is helpful not only for international users, but also for sorting (my particular reason for liking it so much). Anders also references some good background articles on the format and how to use it.

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