Last week I added a green “sub” icon in addition to the usual orange “xml” representation for this site’s RSS feed. The green sub links to the Syndication Subscription Service which reads the RSS file and displays a set of links to add this channel to various news aggregators. Try it now with this site’s RSS feed: RSS feed The service can also expand a list of subscribed channels from OPML or OCS format. It wasn’t quite working for my AmphetaDesk subscriptions, but Morten Frederiksen was nice enough to add the support. (AmphetaDesk uses a slight variant of OPML,…
Phil Gyford wrote a great summary of weblog terms that many weblog authors probably take for granted but may be confusing for new readers.
Having recently moved to a new web and email hosting company (, I just set up a secure SSH tunnel for checking my email with Outlook Express.
Like most people, I’ve had a Yahoo! ID and mail account for a long time. In addition to being useful for throw-away things like registering for software downloads, I use it for all of the Yahoo! Groups that I’ve subscribed to.
I recently learned how to use wget for retrieving single web pages or entire mirrors and thought I’d capture some of my thoughts and notes.