
Just read today that for the 3rd straight year, the Raiders were the top-sellers of NFL merchandise Only 23 days to the first exhibition game! Another bonus I discovered: Yahoo! Sports now has RSS feeds for individual teams (Oakland Raiders RSS Feed).

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Bloglines Update: Good and Bad

Bloglines recently launched an updated interface and some new functionality to mark their 1-year anniversary. I've been using Bloglines for about 8 months now and currently follow about 180 different feeds on a regular basis. Over that time the user interface hasn't changed significantly, so with this new update it's quite noticeable (in a good and a bad way). On the plus side: better support for sorting feeds (including automatic sorting) ability to choose the folder when adding a feed a simple built-in blog (“MyBlog”) to which you can post directly from articles support for pulling your blogroll in Javascript…

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Posted in: Web

Gmail Accounts

As I mentioned earlier, I finally got a Google Gmail account and have been playing with it. They must be opening up the gates a little more because I now have several 'invites' of my own to give. Does anyone who reads this want a Gmail account? If so, send a message to cantoni AT Update: All gone. If I get any more invites I'll post again.

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Posted in: Web

Yahoo! Mail Changes

Today Yahoo! announced significant changes to the Yahoo! Mail service. Here are some of the highlights: Free accounts have storage increased from 4 to 100 MB Paid accounts (Yahoo! Mail Plus, SBC DSL) will increase to 2 GB (described as “virtually unlimited”) Attachments supported up to 10 MB More streamlined design for the mail interface Faster, improved search More account names being made available Clearly this is in part a response to Google’s Gmail service with free 1 GB mail accounts. Competition is a good thing — hopefully the expanded storage along with the new feature set will continue to…

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Posted in: Web

Pair Networks

I’ve had great success with my webhosting company Pair Networks and the sister domain registry Pair NIC. Each has a referral program that pays me a small dividend for any new customers who sign up. So, if you’re looking for a new hosting provider or domain registrar, consider using Pair. I’ll be glad to answer any questions people have about the service — so far I’ve had nothing but excellent service and the prices are quite good.

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Posted in: Web