I’ve been finding more and more podcasts out there and listening to as many as possible on my new Zen Touch. The problem — as others have pointed out — is not having enough hours in the day to listen to all of this. In Bloglines I subscribe to about 180 feeds, but I do a lot of skimming which lets me keep up. With audio, I’ve realized I need to be more selective on the feeds I follow. With that in mind, here are podcasts that I’ve found consistently interesting: Brainwagon is Mark VandeWettering talking about a variety of…
Eric Meyer has been working on a slide show format that uses XHTML, Javascript, and CSS. The software is called S5: A Simple Standards-Based Slide Show System and it looks like a promising alternative to PowerPoint or other presentation software. S5 presentations require only a recent browser for display. The look and feel is only limited by what you can do with XHTML and CSS (which is to say, it’s not that limited). Check out the introductory slide show for a example of what’s possible.
For a while now I’ve been using Textile when writing weblog entries. Textile — the “Humane Web Text Generator” — lets you use simple markup tags in your text rather than trying to write HTML by hand. For longer articles, I tend to write them in straight HTML in my editor, running them through Tidy if needed prior to posting. This past week I switched over to Markdown which I’ve found to be an excellent replacement. Based on the ideas of Textile and other methods, Markdown’s goal is to present text that is perfectly readable as-is and looks even better…
Yahoo! recently lowered the price for all domain registrations to $9.95/year. It looks like the idea is to bring in more domain registrations and hook people on the other Small Business servics. I've not used any of these, but have heard that some (especially the simple web hosting setups) are getting good reviews. For now I'm sticking with pairNIC which is slightly more expensive (best price is $13/year for 5 year renewal). I've found the service for pairNIC to be excellent so far.