Applied Marketing

After much cajoling by me, my good friend Philip Bernosky has started his own weblog: Applied Marketing. In his opening post, Phil wrote: You might be asking – “why a blog on marketing”. Primarily this is an outlet for me to collect and organize my thoughts and experiences with the function of marketing in any organization – with a primary focus on business. It was born out of my frustrations while working in & with, large and small companies that, by their actions, seem to completely misrepresent or underutilize the role of marketing to their success. Being so focused on…

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Top Yahoo! Searches 2004

Recently published is the Top Yahoo! Searches for 2004 which includes a mix of the expected and unexpected. For some reason Britney Spears continues to be a huge attraction, although she only placed 4th in the overall list of top searches: American Idol Paris Hilton Jessica Simpson Britney Spears Harry Potter WWE Usher NASCAR NBA NFL I’m please to see that “NASCAR” did so well, even beating out America’s top sport (NFL). I’m not sure why “WWE” is so high — is it really that popular?

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Yahoo! Video Search

Yesterday Yahoo! launched a video search service as a beta. It works like you’d expect: you can search for videos! The Yahoo! Search Blog has more of the background about this new service. What’s more interesting to me is a new draft RSS spec called Media RSS: “Media RSS” is a new RSS module that supplements the enclosure capabilties of RSS 2.0. RSS enclosures are already being used to syndicate audio files and images. Media RSS extends enclosures to handle other media types, such as short films or TV, as well as provide additional metadata with the media. Media RSS…

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PubSub LinkRanks has a new feature called LinkRanks: LinkRanks are a measure of how many pages link to each particular site, with more weight given to fresher links and to links from a wider variety of pages. I grabbed a screen shot of the ranking for (shown below). Clearly there’s some volatility in the algorithm, but I’m not exactly sure what that means yet. Several sites have similar “ranking” concepts, but this is nicely presented as a graph over time. The images are dynamically generated with Flash which is kind of cool. Update 2004-12-17: I forgot to include the link…

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