San Jose Sharks Close Discussion Board

It looks like the San Jose Sharks had enough of the problems with trying to keep a clean community discussion board and finally shut theirs down: The Sharks Chatroom has been shutdown indefinitely due to repeated inappropriate abuse of the system. This decision is in response to the high volume of postings containing sexually explicit language, cyber sex links, junk mail, unacceptable or inflammatory language and more. We do not wish to have the Sharks organization, our fans, or our sponsors associated in any manner with this material and, considering the many youth who regularly visit, wish to avoid…

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A few recent searches for songs used in TV commercials has led me to which is all about “…music used in television commercials, film trailers, movie soundtracks, tv shows, video games and more.” The site is basically built around a forum, a weblog up front (albeit updated only monthly) and a generous supply of advertising. The forum is where the action is — for everyone looking for the music behind a certain commercial, there seems to be several who have the answer. Tonight I was searching for the new Cadillac commercial and found it was “Punk Rocker from the…

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Posted in: Web

Unintended Search Traffic

Scanning my logs to see what search terms are bringing people here, I noticed a slightly disturbing search for “d-i-r-t-y christmas pictures”. Sure enough, an old entry about Christmas pictures had me explaining how I’d posted the pictures quickly. I subsequently took the pictures down, so web searchers are probably quite disappointed. I’ve edited the page, so hopefully Google will pick up on this and stops sending me traffic from that particular search.

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Posted in: Web

Flickr Old-school Login Greasemonkey Script

I’m sticking with my original Flickr login as long as I can, not quite ready to meld it into my Yahoo identity. I’m not sure why I’m holding out, maybe just for fun, but reading the latest Flickr blog entry, it looks like the ride might be over soon: Note for old skool members: the new mobile site, sadly, will not work for you: we’ve made the transition to supporting Yahoo! ID login exclusively for mobile. The vast majority of our users are now using Yahoo! IDs, and many of the cool features we’re working on depend on fancy-schmancy, high-tech…

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Posted in: Web