If you’re looking for a better Yahoo! ID, or you like to collect “yourname@” on all the different web services, Yahoo! is opening up two new domains today: ymail.com and rocketmail.com. Go to the new mail addresses page to get started. Read the official release on Yodel Anecdotal.
This blog has recently been hit by a barrage of spam comments linking to “adult videos” pages on Google Notebook. If you click through onto the site, you’ll get to a page that appears to be an adult video site, but clicking on anything drops you into an install process for an “ActiveX control” which in fact is a virus or trojan. This must be a new wave because Akismet hasn’t been catching most of them. I finally put in an additional spam filter that junks any comment with “google.com/notebook” in it.
Free real-time quotes have returned to Yahoo! Finance this week. Read more about it on the Yodel Anecdotal blog announcement. Yahoo!’s stock has been pretty flat since the Microsoft buy-out offer, but for stocks that move a lot during day trading, this should be pretty cool.
Somewhere along the way, Yahoo! launched a new series of sports blogs and I missed it. I’ve only recently subscribed, but these blogs have good writing, high-quality images (from the sports news services), and even full article content in the RSS feeds. If you’re into NBA, MLB, NASCAR, NFL, or NCAA Basketball, click the appropriate logo below and go check them out.
For a youth basketball league I help run, we’ve set up a Yahoo! Group for announcements and the like. I’ve been banging my head against the wall trying to attach one of my email accounts for the league (info@, and webmaster@), but Yahoo! Groups refused to let me, instead showing those accounts as “disabled”. As a last resort (and this comes from a guy who works there), I contacted customer support who got back to me the following day. Apparently Yahoo! Groups has a restriction that prevents so-called “generic” email accounts from joining, presumably in the fight against spam. Sure…