Today is the last day the Yahoo! 360° service will be online; last chance to download or migrate old blog content over to the new Yahoo! Profiles service.
Watching the Great American Race yesterday, I couldn’t help but notice that has tuned into NASCAR in a big way. Sure enough, it turns out that has signed a big deal with NASCAR:, a leading search engine and an operating business of IAC, announced Wednesday it has entered into partnerships with NASCAR, NASCAR.COM and Hall of Fame Racing. Under the terms of the partnership with NASCAR, Ask becomes the Official Search Engine of NASCAR, with category exclusivity and a broad set of promotional rights in order to reach the sport’s estimated 75 million loyal fans. In addition…
With President Obama’s inauguration came a new website for the White House, generating lots of buzz around the internet. Obama supporters have high hopes for his leadership, and for web geeks in particular, high hopes for his web site. For myself, I found the executive orders section interesting and something worth keeping an eye on over time. Unfortunately, that portion of the site doesn’t have its own RSS feed, so I created one using Yahoo! Pipes.
Seafood Watch (part of the Monterey Bay Aquarium) has published their Seafood Guides for quite a while — giving cooks and diners helpful guidance about the impact to eating different types of seafood. Now they’ve created an online mobile edition in two forms: a Seafood Watch iPhone application, and a Seafood Watch mobile website.
Yesterday, the Yahoo! Mobile team released their list of the top 10 mobile searches users made in 2008. Topping the list was MySpace, followed by Facebook and Craigslist.