Plaxo Launched

Getting caught up on e-mail, I notice that Plaxo Contacts 1.0 was launched on May 21st. This software looks like an interesting way to keep people up-to-date with changes in their contact information, but I suspect that it will be met with resistance for a couple of reasons: People will be reluctant to send their entire contact list to a company due to privacy concerns We don’t yet know what the business model is for Plaxo — how do they plan to make money? Is there a real problem that needs solving here? For those who care enough to keep…

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CityDesk Notes Helpful

John Lam reports today that he found my CityDesk -> Movable Type conversion notes useful. Cool! I’m glad it was useful for someone else. Like John, I moved over from CityDesk to MovableType. I like using CityDesk (a beta for v2.0 was recently announced), but have been very happy with Movable Type. I haven’t taken much advantage of Comments or TrackBack, but the simple ability to manage my blog or create entries from anywhere was the key feature for me.

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Getting Stuff Done

Syndic8: Getting Stuff Done — Jeff Barr has a great method for breaking down projects into really short tasks: I keep a very detailed TODO list. When I am about to do something new, I break it down into items that can be done in 5 to 15 minute chunks. Given the power of PHP and MySQL, these chunks can be pretty big. I make each chunk something that will move the site forward, or at least not break it. I work on single chunks, write the code, test it, and deploy it (sometimes I reverse the order of the…

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Registry Tweaks

Registry Tweaks for Better Computing (PC Magazine) lists a handy set of registry tweaks for Windows and Internet Explorer. Among other things, I learned how to set my Start menu to be multi-column rather than a single scrolling column. This did help emphasize that I really need a new system at home. This old Celeron/Win98 box is loaded with way too much software (and cobwebs).

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