
Anders Jacobsen’s blog: ISO 8601: The standard date format is a good read for anyone wanted a good background on why this format is helpful not only for international users, but also for sorting (my particular reason for liking it so much). Anders also references some good background articles on the format and how to use it.

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Dave’s Quick Search

Dave’s Quick Search Taskbar Toolbar Deskbar (or DQSD for short) is a must-have utility for Windows. I recently noticed (in the Story of Feedster) that support for Feedster is now incorporated — just type “rss” followed by your search term. One of the best features of the Quick Search Taskbar is its extensibility. Numerous users have submitted searches for different web data. I’ve created a custom search at work that searches our bug database for keywords or bug numbers.

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I’ve been meaning to install ieSpell at home and finally did today. At work I use it for spell-checking bugs (submitted through our web-based bug tracker). It’s also great for checking postings to MovableType which doesn’t have a built-in spell checker (that I know of).

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