SyncIT Crash and Burn

I mentioned earlier that my copy of SyncIT was giving me fits and for some reason had erased ALL of my bookmarks. I was also frustrated by a total lack of information, updates, or news from the people running the site. Submitted a support request only resulting in a database error. Today I received an e-mail from the company explaining their problems: We realize we haven't been doing a very good job of explaining our situation to you. … The short version is that our extremely expensive, supposedly fully redundant database machine has failed catastrophically. We do not have enough…

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Power User Tools

Check out Scott Hanselman's Ultimate Developer and Power Users Tools List for a long list of useful developer tools. Lots of .Net stuff in there (which I'm not using yet), but there are some new ones like which contains boot images for old versions of DOS and Windows. [Via Ned Batchelder]

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Feed Validator Moved

Mark Pilgrim reports that the Feed Validator (previously called the RSS Validator) has moved to a new location ( Apparently the old server location ( was experiencing down-time or other problems, so it's been moved to its own server. Validating your RSS feed helps ensure that news readers and aggregators can read your information without trouble.

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Bookmarks Erased

Returning to the office today after vacation, I was greeted by the complete erasure of my browser bookmarks. I've been using SyncIT which was a handy way to synchronize bookmarks between different computers. Early on I also used it with Netscape, but it couldn't keep track of different profiles and kept merging everything (my wife's plus my own at home). Then, they implemented a “one-time” registration which was $50 I believe. But still, no improvements, no changes, nothing. To top it off, today I submitted a support request and it replied that the database is not working, please try…

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