RSS in Plain English

Just discovered a great description of RSS: RSS Described in Plain English, explaining not only the technical bits behind RSS, but also the benefits of providing an RSS feed. This will be a useful pointer for RSS evangelism in the future. [Via Online Business Networks]

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Scheduled Feed Validation

Previously I listed some of my concepts for an automatic feed validation service. Today Dave Winer introduced a “scheduled validation” service which is pretty similar. I signed up to give it a test drive, but I'd still like to write my own and make the source available for others.

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While searching Wi-Fi-FreeSpot today, I found HotSpotVPN which is a VPN solution for “public space wireless security”. This is a paid VPN service targeting public hotspot users: If you check your email in any public hotspot, anyone with a sniffer can record your username and password and have access to your email account from that moment on. Good sniffers are freely downloadable from the Internet and come pre-installed on many non-windows operating systems. … HotSpotVPN allows you to protect yourself by encrypting your traffic and cloaking your destination. I think the service advertised is somewhat misleading, but the actual effect…

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Mobile Bookmark Manager

John at mypalmlife is looking for a Palm application that will synchronize with his desktop bookmarks and import them into the Web Pro web browser. I've also been looking for the same solution. John points to three different solutions, some of which might be good starting points. (I tried FavoGo, but the conduit threw an exception on the first try.) I had the concept for a “Mobile Bookmark Manager” that would provide much of this functionality: Synchronize bookmarks between desktop web browsers (IE, Mozilla, etc.) and device, being able to sync your whole collection or perhaps just one sub-folder On…

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