RSS Talks Now Online

The February 24th meeting of SDForum's Web Services SIG focused on web services using RSS and Atom. (My original notes.) Dave Nielsen (the co-chair of the Web Services SIG) has just posted PDF versions of the three presenter's slides: (scroll down to Feb 2004 for the RSS/Atom meeting slides)

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Steve McConnell Keynote

Today I attended the opening keynote for the SD West 2004 Conference featuring Steve McConnell: “Code Complete 2: A Decade of Advances in Software Construction.” I last heard Steve speak two years ago at SD2002. His speaking style matches his books which are full of practical advice for software developers. Following are my notes from his talk.

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mo:Blog — Mobile Blogging for Palm — was just released at version 1.0. I've tried it briefly with my moblog and it seems to work well with MovableType and my Tungsten C. So far I've tried Mfop2, Vagablog, and now mo:Blog for moblogging. I should write up a summary of what I've found so far, but I'm excited that there are several choices in this area now.

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RSS Tools for Palm OS

PalmInfocenter has a summary of RSS Syndication Tools for the Palm OS. They have a nice mention of Hand/RSS which I’ve played with and found quite useful. It’s too bad this is such a short list — it would be nice to have some additional software in this space because it would mean that people were really interested in reading RSS feeds from their device. Ultimately I decided not to use Hand/RSS but instead use the mobile interface to Bloglines which is my current feed aggregator.

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SDForum Meeting on RSS

Yesterday evening I attended the SDForum Web Services SIG meeting held at the Microsoft Campus in Silicon Valley. The meeting topic was “What is RSS?” and featured three speakers presenting to a group of about 70. These are my notes from the meeting with some rough editing. Update 2004-03-23: The original PDFs from the three presenters have been posted. E-mail Newsletters are Dead, Long Live RSS Chris Pirillo – Founder & Head Geek,; Chris appeared live via webcast; there were a few glitches, including a 20-second lag time that made feedback from the local site difficult, but it actually…

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