
While at Gnomedex this past weekend, there were numerous mentions of “PodCasting”. I had heard of this briefly in the last couple of weeks, but had not looked into it yet. There seems to be a lot of buzz around this simple but interesting concept. Basically, it’s an application of audio enclosures within an RSS feed. A special aggregator automatically downloads the audio files (perhaps overnight) and pushes them to the MP3 device. A lot of people are now publishing internet talk shows and other content in this way and it seems to be gaining a ton of momentum. I’ve…

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Markdown Rocks

For a while now I’ve been using Textile when writing weblog entries. Textile — the “Humane Web Text Generator” — lets you use simple markup tags in your text rather than trying to write HTML by hand. For longer articles, I tend to write them in straight HTML in my editor, running them through Tidy if needed prior to posting. This past week I switched over to Markdown which I’ve found to be an excellent replacement. Based on the ideas of Textile and other methods, Markdown’s goal is to present text that is perfectly readable as-is and looks even better…

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Palm Blogging Apps

As the interest in moblogging has continued to grow, it’s been encouraging to see several dedicated blogging clients appear for the Palm OS platform. Inspired in part by Palm Weblogging on Palmsource.com, I thought a quick round-up of the available clients would be helpful. 2005-06-09: Mike Rowehl just released Vagablog as open-source. 2004-11-25: Tim Norman of NormSoft just wrote to let me know that HBlogger was in the process of moving from Hexlet to NormSoft. (Tim was referring to my previous comments about the confusion of where to buy HBlogger.) Thanks for the feedback Tim! I’ve updated those details on…

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HBlogger — a new application for blogging from your Palm OS PDA — was recently released at version 2.0. I posted to my moblog using my Treo 600 and it seems to work fine, although the Movable Type support is not great. The software is advertised to work with Live Journal, Blogger, and Movable Type. But, the choices in the app itself are only Live Journal and Blogger. The notes say to use Blogger for MT because it uses the Blogger API. While true, this means that all the additional features of MT are missing (including simple things like titles).…

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High-Tech Sharks

The San Jose Mercury News had a good article yesterday: Hockey Goes High-Tech at Shark Tank (annoying free registration required). Some good quotes: Tim Hunter spent much of his NHL playing career pounding opponents. Now he's spending much of his coaching career pounding a keyboard. Hunter is the Sharks assistant coach who will be cradling a tablet PC as he paces behind the bench tonight at HP Pavilion. Used as a video monitor, that PC is the most visible sign yet that San Jose, fittingly, has become the NHL's most tech-savvy franchise. The Sharks … are the only one with…

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