John Lam reports today that he found my CityDesk -> Movable Type conversion notes useful. Cool! I’m glad it was useful for someone else. Like John, I moved over from CityDesk to MovableType. I like using CityDesk (a beta for v2.0 was recently announced), but have been very happy with Movable Type. I haven’t taken much advantage of Comments or TrackBack, but the simple ability to manage my blog or create entries from anywhere was the key feature for me.
I finally wrote a couple of short article entries to explain who I am, how this site is constructed, and a blogroll list of web sites I follow. On the main page, look at the “About” section on the right-hand side. To implement these, I added them to my sub-blog for “Articles”. Using the OtherBlog plug-in, I’m including the titles in the About section on the right-hand side. This is the same technique I use for the rest of the articles, so I differentiate them with categories.
Thanks to MTOtherBlog by David Raynes, I created a second MT blog for articles. I use the term “articles” loosely here; it’s just a home for things that are slightly longer than a usual weblog posting.
Phil Gyford describes a technique for removing the Movable Type command image buttons. Although I don’t use Mozilla, I’ve been wanting to do the same thing just to reduce the page size. I didn’t change the top images (in logonav.tmpl), but I did change the side bar (in mininav.tmpl): modified mininav template file.
I’ve had comments enabled for this site ever since I moved to Movable Type. Over the past couple of days I got my first comments, but they were spam. Bummer. Comments are now turned off for all entries — if someone wants to reach me, e-mail is the best way.