Online meetings continue to rise in popularity, in particular for companies with remote workers or distributed teams. The effectiveness of online meetings can be improved significantly by following a few simple techniques and habits. First of all, what kind and size of meetings are we talking about? One-on-one (2 people) Smaller team meetings (2-10 people) Medium team meetings, internal training or demo (10-20) Larger team meetings, company “all hands” (20+) Public facing webinar (marketing, sales, training) This guide is targeting categories 3 & 4 – these meetings are big enough that you want to run them effectively but are still…
Now that I’m working at Citrix Online, I’m coming up to speed on the ways in which our collaboration products like GoToMeeting are being used. One of the interesting outreach efforts is, based on a new term workshifting: If you work out of coffee shops, hotels, airports and your home every bit as much as the office, is for you. We share resources on telecommuting, online tools, travel, technology, business & virtual offices to help you shift when, where & how you work. If you want to follow along with the latest, subscribe to the website feed and/or…
Recently we’ve been trying the Pomodoro technique to help concentrate on focused projects without distraction. With the aid of a simple kitchen timer, it’s actually working pretty well for the kids’ homework. We first learned about this from my friend and startup adviser Greg Head in this great 5-minute video from an event in Phoenix.