Recently in Books Category

Some good commentary on the Amazon Kindle “wireless reading device”: Daring Fireball: DUM Dive into Mark: The Future of Reading /Message: Another iPod, or Another Newton? Not considering whether they’ve created a good solution for reading eBooks and other online material, it sounds like it’s the same old digital rights management harassment. I’m amazed that no one has tried to... (Read More)

Don't Make Me Think

I just finished reading Don't Make Me Think by Steve Krug. This is a frequently-recommended book on web usability and overall I found it a good (quick) read with many common-sense approaches to improving web usability. The author's writing style makes it an enjoyable read (if there is such a thing for technical books). My only complaint was that the book is relatively short (less than 200 pages) and I found myself wanting more. (Read More)

In Harm's Way

I just finished another good story from World War II: In Harm's Way: The Sinking of the USS Indianapolis.... I had heard of this book at some point and had added it to my Amazon "wish list". There was the reference from Jaws that always interested me, so finally we bought the paperback and my wife and I both read... (Read More)

Now Featuring...Book Reports

Well, it's not quite like book reports I used to do for school, but I decided to start tracking books I've read. It also gives me a chance to play with Amazon's new interface to their data. For now, I'm simply linking to the titles on Amazon's page, but will expand on this later. Books I've Read... (Read More)

Flags of Our Fathers

I just finished Flags of Our Fathers by James Bradley and really enjoyed it. This book was released in May of 2000 (just before Father's Day) and I'm sure it was very popular at the time. That doesn't explain why it took me two years to get around to reading it, but I finally did over the July 4th holiday... (Read More)

Black Hawk Down

NSDQ I just read an amazing book: Black Hawk Down: A Story of Modern War. I knew of the book and in fact my wife was reading it. Seeing the movie twice in the theater finally convinced me to sit down and read the book to catch all the details. Surprisingly, the movie was a very accurate portrayal of the... (Read More)


This is the personal website of Brian Cantoni. All opinions on this site are my own. Reach me by email: brian at


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