Reminiscing about the good old days at Yahoo, I'm enjoying watching again the "Hackumentary" movie that Ricky Montalvo made for the 2008 Open Hack day at Yahoo. Read on for links to all 4 videos. (Read More)
Recently in Career Category
This is an update to my 2010 article about removing yourself from Spoke. Since that time, the original Spoke service split into two variants: and The directions for removing yourself have changed slightly, and here are the details... (Read More)
Now that I’m working at Citrix Online, I’m coming up to speed on the ways in which our collaboration products like GoToMeeting are being used. One of the interesting outreach efforts is, based on a new term workshifting: If you work out of coffee shops, hotels, airports and your home every bit as much as the office, is... (Read More)
After 6.5 years at Yahoo (working with the engineering teams behind Yahoo! Messenger and the Yahoo! Developer Network), I've made a career move this month and joined Citrix Online. I'll be part of the engineering management team for the collaboration products which include GoToMeeting, GoToWebinar, and GoToTraining. (Read More)
A while ago a followed a link to an interesting e-book titled "Time Management for Creative People" by Mark McGuinness. I quickly printed a copy for reading at home and dropped it into the briefcase. Several weeks later (so much for time management), I finally read it last night and found a nice set of suggestions and ideas for better... (Read More)
Big news at Yahoo HQ today! (No, it’s not the global rollout of the new Yahoo! Mail.) After 3 1/2 years on the Messenger team, I’ve moved to the Platform Engineering team, managing the integration/solutions engineering team. It’s a small team now, but will be growing. Coincident with joining this team, we all moved into a new bullpen cube arrangement.... (Read More)
Guy Kawasaki has a great piece today titled Everything You Wanted to Know About Getting a Job in Silicon Valley But Didn’t Know Who to Ask: Many people ask me for advice about getting a job in Silicon Valley, so here’s the inside scoop. Not everyone will agree with this advice, and some will outright deny what I’m saying, but... (Read More)
For some reason only the market knows, Yahoo stock just barely cracked $40 today! Apparently this is a 5-year high for the stock. Well, it’s not as hot as GOOG, but I’ll take it!... (Read More)
Today marks my 1-year anniversary of joining Yahoo to work on the Messenger team. I should probably chart my blog postings during that time to see how they’ve slowed — last year I had a better balance between work and personal time but in 2005 it’s really swung towards work. On the plus side, it’s good to be working for... (Read More)