
I just found a link to the Invisibles collection at This is very cool. Warning: This site can suck up lots of your time when you should be working!

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Posted in: Fun

Improved security with CGIwrap

Having successfully set up MoveableType, I chose the default instructions which tell you to set each of your weblog directories with permission 777 (basically, read/write/execute by anyone). This allow the web server (running as user ‘nobody’) to write files into your web file space, but could also be a security risk. Today I dug a little further and found that my site supports CGIwrap which forces the CGI process to run as you instead of as ‘nobody’. This let me set all of my directory permissions back to 755 (writable only by me). I had a little trouble changing ownership…

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Digital Prints from iPhoto

With my subscription to Apple’s .Mac service, I received a “special” offer to receive 100 free 4×6 prints through Kodak. With the Christmas card season coming up, we decided to give it a try. The ordering through iPhoto was certainly easy, but lacked some information (e.g., we chose “express” shipping but have no idea how long it will take). Later: I guess I should be more clear…I didn’t get any feedback from within the application, but checking email this morning shows both order confirmation and shipment messages from Apple. Very cool. Still later: The pictures arrived as expected and they…

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Posting from w.bloggar

This is another reason I wanted to give Movable Type a try: the ability to post from other software applications. I’m posting this from w.bloggar which is a VB Windows app that can talk to Movable Type through its XML-RPC interface. Cool!

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