The kids really scored this year when Santa brought a GameCube. (I’m not complaining, of course.) Our game collection probably won’t grow too big, but we’re starting out with a pretty good set of games: Super Monkey Ball Super Mario Sunshine Monsters, Inc. Scream Arena Pikmin Rocket Power: Beach Bandits (Nickelodeon) Wave Race: Blue Storm (jetski racing) Beach Spikers (volleyball) Medal of Honor Frontline Star Wars Rogue Leader Since these games can be fairly expensive ($50 for the newest releases), it will probably make sense to either borrow from friends first or rent them at Blockbuster.
Having recently moved to a new web and email hosting company (, I just set up a secure SSH tunnel for checking my email with Outlook Express.
At the risk of hanging on the Christmas look for too long, I changed back to a default style (Gettysburg). The default Movable Type styles are a good starting point, but I really would like to come up with my own design. All in time I suppose. Just for grins, here’s a screenshot of the Christmas theme: CantoniOrgXmas (PNG, 46 KB).
This year we bought the kids a basketball hoop — not too soon to start preparing for that scholarship! The smartest move we made was deciding to not assemble this thing on Christmas Eve. It took me the good part of a day to assemble it in the daylight. Christmas Hoops
Now that things are settling down a little, I’m posting some of the pictures from yesterday. We had a great celebration and the Nintendo GameCube from Santa was definitely a hit with the kids! Update: Pictures temporarily offline due to a problem.