Phil Gyford describes a technique for removing the Movable Type command image buttons. Although I don’t use Mozilla, I’ve been wanting to do the same thing just to reduce the page size. I didn’t change the top images (in logonav.tmpl), but I did change the side bar (in mininav.tmpl): modified mininav template file.
Bryce Yehl is looking for a “generic RSS-to-Email aggregator that can work with my IMAP back-end.” I’ve been using my AmphetaMailer setup for about five months now and it’s working well for me. Basically, I modified AmphetaDesk to send results out via e-mail and to keep track of items already sent so that you only see them once. I run this three times a day from a server at home and I can read the headlines at my leisure from wherever I am. Another nice benefit is being able to catch up on everything I’ve missed when I take a…
I’ve had comments enabled for this site ever since I moved to Movable Type. Over the past couple of days I got my first comments, but they were spam. Bummer. Comments are now turned off for all entries — if someone wants to reach me, e-mail is the best way.
CNET Radio 910 AM (in the SF Bay Area) goes off the air. Instead they will focus on “digital audio offerings.”
FLORIDA TODAY: STS-107 Columbia landing journal gives regular updates during the shuttle landing, including this unsettling entry: 9:20 a.m. EST, Feb. 1, 2003: NASA has lost communication with the orbiter and has no tracking data. NASA Space Shuttle Launches gives the complete list of all shuttle missions. If I’m reading it correctly, STS-107 was the 113th shuttle mission. Columbia (OV-102) was the first shuttle ever built and participated in flight STS-1 on 4/12/81. President Bush’s remarks on the loss of the shuttle. [Christian Science Monitor]