Cleaning out old magazines I ran across this article which I had tagged: State of Decay by Verity Stob in Dr. Dobb’s Journal. A sampling: Cruft Force 0. Virgin. Description: The “Connect to the Internet” shortcut is still on the desktop, and the “How to use Windows” dialog appears at logon. Menu animations and the various event-based sound effects – even the dreaded Microsoft Sound – seem cheerful and amusing. Likewise, a clandestine installation of the Blue Screen Of Death screensaver (complete with simulated reboot, natch) from the Sysinternals web site is hilarious. Compilers run crisply, and report only sensible,…
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My web access logs for the month of March are showing that AvantGo is now the most popular user agent and AvantGo servers account for 5 of the top 10 sites (by KByte). Looking closer, I realized that some visitors have added my list of PDA optimized web sites as a custom channel in AvantGo. This is a cool use of AvantGo — carry around this list of web sites. The trick is to specify the “link depth” to be 1. Otherwise, AvantGo will read the links page, then will follow to home and continue from there. I think…
Registry Tweaks for Better Computing (PC Magazine) lists a handy set of registry tweaks for Windows and Internet Explorer. Among other things, I learned how to set my Start menu to be multi-column rather than a single scrolling column. This did help emphasize that I really need a new system at home. This old Celeron/Win98 box is loaded with way too much software (and cobwebs).
I’ve been reading Rob Fahrni’s weblog via his RSS feed. Since I’m using AmphetaDesk as my RSS reader — actually my modified AmphetaMailer — I recently noticed a problem with the validity of his RSS feed. In this case it was a simple matter of some unencoded characters. (AmphetaDesk in its current release is appropriately picky about RSS feeds being valid XML.) Along with a guess at Rob’s movie line of the week, I mentioned the RSS problem I found. I’ve done this several times in the past with different sites and have usually found the site author to be…