I’ve been meaning to install ieSpell at home and finally did today. At work I use it for spell-checking bugs (submitted through our web-based bug tracker). It’s also great for checking postings to MovableType which doesn’t have a built-in spell checker (that I know of).
Getting caught up on e-mail, I notice that Plaxo Contacts 1.0 was launched on May 21st. This software looks like an interesting way to keep people up-to-date with changes in their contact information, but I suspect that it will be met with resistance for a couple of reasons: People will be reluctant to send their entire contact list to a company due to privacy concerns We don’t yet know what the business model is for Plaxo — how do they plan to make money? Is there a real problem that needs solving here? For those who care enough to keep…
John Lam reports today that he found my CityDesk -> Movable Type conversion notes useful. Cool! I’m glad it was useful for someone else. Like John, I moved over from CityDesk to MovableType. I like using CityDesk (a beta for v2.0 was recently announced), but have been very happy with Movable Type. I haven’t taken much advantage of Comments or TrackBack, but the simple ability to manage my blog or create entries from anywhere was the key feature for me.
Top 75 Network Security Tools, results of a survey of 1800 people who use the Nmap security scanner.
Today’s Mercury News reports that the wind tunnels at NASA/Ames Research Center in Mountain View are closing.