The July issue of First Monday has appeared with a couple of interesting articles: The grey digital divide — Perception, exclusion and barriers of access to the Internet for older people (by Peter Millward) The impact of digital games in education (by Begoña Gros)
Feedster (a search engine for RSS feeds) recently added the ability to index your entire site. Normally, it will read your RSS feed to add entries to its index. But, if you've set up your RSS feed to only provide a recent number of entires (like 10), you might want to ask Feedster to get caught up with all of your posts. Here are the steps I followed to do this from MovableType: Log in to MT, navigate to Edit Templates page Edit your RSS template and copy the Template Body Create a new RSS template (with suitable name and…
Our ReplayTV box is really old and has very little capacity. But, I do like their “MyReplayTV” service which lets you program your box remotely from a web interface. Here I am on vacation in Tahoe and I just set my box to record the Nascar race on Saturday. Life is good! Update 2003-07-06: Well, MyReplayTV is reallly cool if your ReplayTV box is successfully calling their servers each night, which mine was not :(
Or…things to check out after vacation. Rasterweb shows how to hack AmphetaDesk to use <guid> elements, if they exist Textile-2 coming soon (Brad Choate working with Dean Allan) — I've been using MT-Textile and have found it extremely useful — no more writing HTML tags for my post to ensure it's formatted correctly Bill Kearney has a list of sidebars for Windows
Morbus Iff comments on the Subscriptions Harmonizer and brings up good points about using OPML as the transfer formats. This just focuses on the aggregator possibilities, and doesn’t consider OPML sniffers that could create blog “six-degree” communities (based on XML, as opposed to scraping blogroll HTML). Is there a standard convention for linking to your site’s blogroll and/or subscriptions list? I’ve seen some discussion about this but need to dig a little further. In my case my blogroll and subscriptions list are the same, but I can see where they might be different.