HTTP Request Inspectors

Someone wrote in to let me know that an older project of mine which provides a simple webservice echo test was referencing some out of date projects. My HTTP test service doesn’t use any of those other services, but I’ve updated the blog post description to point to some new options for comparison purposes.

The original hosted version of RequestBin (at is no longer live. This was run by Runscope at the time and the source code is still up on GitHub (Runscope/requestbin). You can see their the status change:

We have discontinued the publicly hosted version of RequestBin due to ongoing abuse that made it very difficult to keep the site up reliably. Please see instructions below for setting up your own self-hosted instance.

Here’s the commit with the awesome (but sad) commit message of :( when they turned it off. Some good comments there from fans of the service.

The good news is with the source code still available, people can still use the service themselves (Heroku and Docker instructions are included) and the adventurous ones can run live services using the same. Here are a few I found with some quick searching (but have not personally used):

Posted in: Web