Recently I started volunteering as webmaster for the Stanford girls water polo club: upgrading WordPress, improving the design templates, and adding more features to make the site more useful to both parents and players.
I added Google Analytics at the start of the year to get a better sense of page views and traffic sources. Looking at the mobile stats today, I was surprised to see just how dominant the iOS (iPhone/iPad/iPod) was. In the last 2 months, there were about 7500 visits, of which mobile comprised about 1500 (20%). Within the visitors counted as mobile, the Apple devices accounted for almost 90%, with Android taking less than 10%:

I think a safe conclusion is that Apple mobile products are very popular among this population – not too much of a surprise. I’m going to work on making the site more mobile-friendly, so this type of data will certainly help pinpoint which devices are worth testing.