- Find Music from TV Commercials and more!

A few recent searches for songs used in TV commercials has led me to which is all about “…music used in television commercials, film trailers, movie soundtracks, tv shows, video games and more.” The site is basically built around a forum, a weblog up front (albeit updated only monthly) and a generous supply of advertising. The forum is where the action is — for everyone looking for the music behind a certain commercial, there seems to be several who have the answer.

Tonight I was searching for the new Cadillac commercial and found it was “Punk Rocker from the Teddy Bears” (buy their album Soft Machine on Amazon).

Later I wanted to check the Cadillac site for the commercial and, sure enough, it is available online (along with the music info, go figure). Check it out on the Cadillac commercial page, choosing ad “Roll :60”.

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