Gnomedex 2006 Wrap-up

Just wrapped up two plus days at the Gnomedex conference in Seattle. For me, the conference was kind of a bust. I did meet some cool people and had a few interesting conversations, but at the end of the day I was asking myself “Why am I here?”.

Most of the sessions were either hijacked by high-profile bloggers, or were clique-ish discussions between the “in” crowd. Two years ago, Gnomedex was much more of a user conference, but as its grown and achieved a higher profile, it seems to have changed a lot.

I had some notes on all the sessions, but if you want to get some more complete coverage, check out Josh Bancroft’s excellent coverage and photos at At least it ended Saturday with a great presentation from Phil Torrone from MAKE magazine.

Technorati: — Flickr: gnomedex

Posted in: Fun