SDForum Search SIG

Getting caught up on my SDForum email this morning, I caught notice of a new Search SIG whose first meeting will be right here on the Yahoo campus: “Join SDForum on Wed, 9/14 at Yahoo’s headquarters in Sunnyvale for the inaugural Silicon Valley Search SIG, where our first meeting will be an overview of the audio search market and an in-depth look at podcasting startups, directiories, and tools.”

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Indy Cars in the Bay Area

This past weekend the Indy Racy League series stopped at Infineon Raceway in Sonoma, California. This was the first-ever road course race for IRL and the first top-tier open wheel race in Sonoma in 35 years. Plus, I was almost run over by Danica Patrick…

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Excel Pivot Tables

O’Reilly has a posted a pretty good overview of Excel Pivot Tables on WindowsDevCenter. The summary is accurate: The Pivot Tables tool is one of the most powerful yet intimidating features in Excel. Pivot tables allow you to quickly summarize and analyze large amounts of data in lists and tables–independent of the original data layout in your spreadsheet–by dragging and dropping columns to different rows, columns, or summary positions. I’ve been using pivot tables with good success to analyze bug data from Bugzilla. As this article mentions, pivot tables are not that complicated, but they are not easy to learn.…

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