Having previously shown how the S5 slideshow system can be integrated with MovableType, I thought CityDesk might also be a nice integration point. CityDesk makes it easy to edit web pages and has a pretty powerful template system that would allow creation of S5-formatted output files.
Result: after an hour or two of fiddling, I created a sample CityDesk project file that, when published, creates an S5 slideshow of the content inside.
CityDesk S5 Slideshows
Update: Now linked from CityDeskNews! If anyone reading this finds it useful or wants any help, just let me know.
S5 is a new standards-based slideshow system developed by Eric Meyer. Rather than using a proprietary tool like Powerpoint, this system uses standard XHTML files with Javascript for navigation control and CSS for styling. The result is a presentation viewable with just a recent browser.
To aid those who might be reluctant to edit XHTML files directly, I created a sample CityDesk project template. CityDesk is an easy-to-learn Windows application for creating and maintaining websites.
In this scheme, the CityDesk project file corresponds to the presentation. You create a CityDesk article for each page of the presentation. When published, the resulting index file contains the entire presentation. All of the supporting files are includes in this sample project and the theme can be easily changed as well.
Download: Slideshow.zip (91 KB)