Palm Blogging Apps

As the interest in moblogging has continued to grow, it’s been encouraging to see several dedicated blogging clients appear for the Palm OS platform. Inspired in part by Palm Weblogging on, I thought a quick round-up of the available clients would be helpful. 2005-06-09: Mike Rowehl just released Vagablog as open-source. 2004-11-25: Tim Norman of NormSoft just wrote to let me know that HBlogger was in the process of moving from Hexlet to NormSoft. (Tim was referring to my previous comments about the confusion of where to buy HBlogger.) Thanks for the feedback Tim! I’ve updated those details on…

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Wow, time flies! Six months ago I registered for the Gnomedex conference and now it’s almost here… Plus, it’s my birthday weekend, so being up in Tahoe should be fun!

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Posted in: Fun


Did you get your copy yet? Yahoo! Movies: Star Wars Trilogy DVD Review Fry’s has the collection on sale today for $36.99 today. It was easy to find — just followed the steady stream of (middle-aged) guys looking for the same exact thing. I’ve been trying to cut back on the Tuesday morning Fry’s run (DVD release day), but this was a no-brainer.

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Posted in: Fun

Finally Switched

After living in our house for almost 10 years and suffering with AT&T, TCI, and finally Comcast cable service, we finally got with the program and upgraded to DirecTV with TiVo. Our neighborhood still has the original “A/B” cable system — two cables to each house with half the channels on each; not even enough bandwidth for cable modem service. Fortunately my procrastination paid off as the prices of satellite systems continues to drop (unless you want HD). On Rapid Satellite, I was able to get a 2-room setup with 35-hour TIVO in each plus the triple-LNB dish for about…

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Posted in: Fun