HBlogger — a new application for blogging from your Palm OS PDA — was recently released at version 2.0. I posted to my moblog using my Treo 600 and it seems to work fine, although the Movable Type support is not great.
The software is advertised to work with Live Journal, Blogger, and Movable Type. But, the choices in the app itself are only Live Journal and Blogger. The notes say to use Blogger for MT because it uses the Blogger API. While true, this means that all the additional features of MT are missing (including simple things like titles).
On the plus side:
- ability to upload images
- correctly handles the 4 blogs set up on my MT installation
- support for creating drafts for later posting
- support for multiple “accounts” (account = weblog)
Overall this looks promising. It's good to see another choice in Palm Blogging software (along with mo:Blog — which I wrote about previously — and Vagablog.
[Via PalmInfocenter]