Ben Fry (from MIT) coded up a really cool visualization of zipcode data in the United States. As you type each digit, you can see the location narrow. His website has lots of other interesting content and projects worth checking out. [Via Chris Sells]
While searching Wi-Fi-FreeSpot today, I found HotSpotVPN which is a VPN solution for “public space wireless security”. This is a paid VPN service targeting public hotspot users: If you check your email in any public hotspot, anyone with a sniffer can record your username and password and have access to your email account from that moment on. Good sniffers are freely downloadable from the Internet and come pre-installed on many non-windows operating systems. … HotSpotVPN allows you to protect yourself by encrypting your traffic and cloaking your destination. I think the service advertised is somewhat misleading, but the actual effect…
Looks like iFilm has all of the Super Bowl commercials available again this year. You can view them with Real, Windows Media Player, or QuickTime, although the highest resolution for Real requires a subscription. Personally, I liked the Bud commercials (especially Sleigh Ride) the best. has this year’s ads on their web site as well. Bud Light took top honors in the USA Today Ad Meter with their “Good Dog” spot.