PHP Complete points to Colours on the web which looks like another good resource for understanding design choices and choosing complementary colors for web sites. PHP Complete also has an RSS feed. Subscribed. [Found via Scott Johnson] Update 2003-09-01: Another useful tool is Color Blender by Eric Meyer [Via Phil Gyford]
Joel on Software is a valuable site for software developers. A former developer at Microsoft who now runs his own software company (Fog Creek Software), Joel Spolsky writes about software development in a common-sense manner. Periodically, I'll peruse the archive to read some of the older articles, even those I've read before. Today I'm reading (again) his series on Painless Functional Specifications: Part 1 — Why Bother Part 2 — What's a Spec? Part 3 — But… How? Part 4 — Tips
Getting Started with RSS Recently I discovered goodthatway, a tech news site whose tagline is “better living through better technology”. I suggested that the site offer an RSS feed to help people keep up with the latest links and stories. Scott from goodthatway was interested in the details, so I’ve put together this article with some details. There are a lot of different choices and options when assembling an RSS feed for your site. The path I’ve taken here is but one way to do it. Looking at, it appears to be the perfect site for RSS. The home…
Just subscribed to the PVRBlog (PVR = Personal Video Recorder like TiVo or ReplayTV). This new blog was created by Matt Haughey who runs (among other things) MetaFilter and A Whole Lotta Nothing. Good stuff.
Over the Fourth of July holiday, the kids had a lot of fun playing games on a couple of Palm handhelds that I brought. Back in the office on Monday, I found this set of pictures that Cathy Jo had taken. Kind of artistic, eh? These were taken on my Zire 71 with its build-in camera.